Missionaries of Jesus
Missionaries of JesusMissionaries of JesusMissionaries of Jesus

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sending Forth of the MJ-USA Team

You are sent to testify to what Jesus has done,
and continues to do in us.
Go now and witness to his words and deeds.
Go forth to tell, retell, and foretell
the story of our memories, dreams, and visions;
continue God-story that was, that is, and that ever
shall be.

You are sent to give proof
of God’s providence and care.
Go now and leave your securities and assurances,
knowing only that whither you shall go is sacred
in God’s eyes.
Go forth and dare trust
that an unknown land shall be your home,
that complete strangers shall welcome you,
—though even these may not come to pass.

You are sent to cross frontiers, not just of land and sea,
but more so, of power and creed,
of class and gender, of skin color and looks.
Go now and fulfill the mandate
that all may be one,
that all may be friends.
Go forth to become a blessing;
extend greetings of peace to all —
the peace that is based on justice,
the peace that puts down the mighty from their thrones
and lifts up the lowly.

You are sent as friends and disciples of Third World origin.
Forget not who you are; indeed, be proud.
But reject not who you still could be.
Go now and continue to be shaped by the One who
shall receive you,
by the potter who continues to create and form
you into his own image.
Go forth as vessels made of clay,
but loaded with limitless treasure.

You are sent as laborers for the harvest.
Go now, nourished by prayer and rooted in contemplation,
to proclaim, in word and deed,
and by your open and transparent presence,
that the reign of God is at hand.
Go forth as keepers of your sisters and brothers,
as co-creators of God;
be worthy of this task and privilege.

You are sent as our brothers and companions;
we are always here for you.
Go now and live in love instead of fear,
in responsibility instead of indifference.
Go forth to act justly, love tenderly,
and walk humbly with our Lord.

Go now, dear brothers.
Go forth, as Missionaries of Jesus,
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

Sending Forth Liturgy for the Team USA
June 19, 2003
Marikina Heights, Philippines

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