Missionaries of Jesus
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Monday, May 3, 2010

Message from Fr. Percy Bacani, MJ (June 12, 2008)

Warm greetings from Baguio! I am presently working as superintendent of the Diocese of Baguio. The focus of the diocesan schools is threefold: integral evangelization, transformative education and reclaiming the indigenous wisdom.

While facilities and resources are not adequate to respond to the needs of the students, the administration and the teachers are doing their best to educate them to become the positive agents of the nation. It is a hard battle given the deteriorating state of education in our country. However the commitment of the teachers is laudable. While some leave for better income, most remain to make teaching not simply a job but a passion to make a difference in our country. Their contribution maybe small but rather significant – believing that our nation has a future with the youth formed and transformed by integral and liberating faith and grounded by the wisdom of the ancestors.

Fr. Percy Bacani, MJ, was a missionary in Cameroun, Africa. He was Provincial Superior and President of MST in the Philippines. He is presently the Superintendent of Diocesan Schools of Baguio-Benguet in the Philippines. He is the present Vicar Coordinator General of the Missionaries of Jesus.

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