Missionaries of Jesus
Missionaries of JesusMissionaries of JesusMissionaries of Jesus

Monday, May 3, 2010

Message from Fr. Melchor Villero, MJ

As we celebrate with you the Sixth Anniversary of the Foundation of the Missionaries of Jesus we look back and remember:

- the Lord who called us to take leave and form a new community to be called the Missionaries of Jesus;

- our families from where we originally had to take leave and learned to journey with other families and persons who welcomed us to be part of their own and treated us as friends; and

- the communities of the different mission countries where we were missioning whose members shaped us as we are now by their care, concerned.
We are especially grateful on this day, to all of you, for your constant support and encouragement which give us the impetus to move in our journey of becoming true witnesses of Him who call us all to become his disciples.

We continue to believe that as we allow ourselves to be inspired by His spirit that we can together build a new humanity rooted in Jesus.

Fr. Melchor Villero, MJ was a missionary in Guatemala and in Mozambique. He was the Rector of the Formation House in Baguio City, Philippines. He is the Pastor of both Precious Blood Church and St Kevin Church in Los Angeles, California, USA.

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